Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Got Money on Your Mind?

Money… Cha Ching… oh Money… has definitely been the hot topic these last few months as the US economy has fallen deep into a hole, bringing the world market down with it. The situation has taken an air of hysteria as the populous waits for a new leader to take power next January, who will subsequently save the US from this fat mess… The number one concern on my mind remains the question of the educational system’s stability after the bailout, and what the candidates’ have in mind in terms of education. In times of trouble, education always seems to get a healthy slap in the face. If anything, a solid and well-rounded education is our countries most reliable hope for the future. I judge my leaders based on their ability to understand that education isn’t just some frilly powder.

Lets break it down. In the last debate Obama clearly defined his desire to significantly raise educational spending next year. Now that the bailout has passed through Congress, the fate of these lofty hopes may have dissipated. Many of Obama’s plans focus on reforming certain educational sectors, such as failing Charter schools. Although this sounds nice, we must wonder where the money will come from.

McCain, on the other hand, hasn’t been as vocal about his plans for education. I was able to find his ideas posted on his website. After three paragraphs of useless jargon (same with Obama’s site), McCain gets to the nitty-gritty explaining that he believes in the local school district deciding it’s own fate. He also believes in a student and parent run school, to better shape the dynamics of the classroom. Once again… all this sounds nice, but really has no real relevance till everyone has an equal opportunity to begin with. Frilly Powder.

Hey everyone! Pay Attention!


http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/issues/19ce50b5-daa8-4795-b92d-92bd0d985bca.htm (McCain does need a new web designer)

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